elementary students working on an art project

What does it cost?

Check out our cost calculator or visit student financial services for information on estimated costs.

How long will it take?

  • A minimum of 36 semester hours is required to receive your degree
  • 4 semesters or 1.5 years

Where will I take classes?
Atlanta Campus

Application Deadlines View Admissions Requirements

This program is not accepting applications at this time.

Special Education, M.Ed.

Talk to the department
Sanquinette Vaughn
[email protected]

The Master of Education in Special Education program provides students with a depth of knowledge and breadth of skill in educating students with disabilities required of a "master teacher" or an advanced service provider. Typically, individuals who enroll in this program are classroom teachers, behavior support specialists, instructional coaches or related service providers who have experience working with students with disabilities. These experiences may be in public schools, private schools or other alternative learning environments.

The M.Ed. in special education does not lead to teacher certification. Applicants to the MED should carry a teacher certification. Students seeking initial teacher certification should consider our M.A.T. in Special Education.

New for 2020 – We have a new initiative that hopes to recruit, train and support graduate students interested in graduating with an M.Ed. in Special Education. Project BEES scholars will learn to address the academic, behavioral and communication needs of children with high-intensity needs, such as those with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) using evidence-based practices grounded in ABA, and will receive mentoring and professional development opportunities. The program is called Project Behavioral Early Education Scholars (BEES) and it can help provide financial support as you study for this degree. Learn more about this funding opportunity.


  • Special education teachers
  • School and district-level leaders
  • School-based consultants
  • Continue to Ph.D. in Special Education
Program Highlights

If anyone is unhappy in their career, it’s not the end of the world if you take a leap. The rewards could be unbelievable, and may surpass most people’s expectations. My rationale for choosing special education was there weren’t enough teachers pursuing behavior, learning and disabilities.

Stephen Fusco
Stephen Fusco
M.Ed. 2015, Special Education (Behavior and Learning Disabilities), Teaching Certificate, Georgia State University

Program Details

Admissions Requirements

When applying to the Special Education, M.Ed. program, you will need to submit several documents for review.

  • Online Application
  • Application Fee of $50
  • Goals Statement (upload with the application)
  • Resume (upload with the application). Brief statement that explains the professional and academic goals that you hope to accomplish by completing this program of study
  • Two Letters of Recommendation (identify your recommenders on the application)
  • Official Transcript(s): undergraduate degree required for admission
    • submit official transcripts from all colleges/universities attended either electronically to [email protected] or by mailing directly to Georgia State University | Office of Graduate Admissions | P.O. Box 4018 Atlanta, GA 30302

*Students with existing teaching certification: if you meet certification requirements in Special Education (field-specific) in Georgia, this M.Ed. program will lead to a Level 5 advanced degree and certification upgrade (upload teaching certificate to application)

*Students without backgrounds in education: this M.Ed. Special Education program does not result in a teaching certificate for school/classroom licensure — students who wish to gain initial certification in special education will need to apply for and complete the M.A.T. Special Education program

This M.Ed. program may be appropriate for those who have a background in a related field (psychology, social work, criminology, speech and language, general education, etc.), do not want to be a classroom teacher, but are interested in obtaining advanced pedagogy, methods, and strategies to work with individuals with disabilities in non-educational settings such as clinics, hospitals and facilities.

Program of Study

Master of Education in Special Education

Professional Studies (9)
Select one course (3):

Select one course (3):

Required (3):

  • EPY 7080 The Psychology of Learning and Learners (3)

Teaching Field/Major and Electives (27-30)
Choose One Concentration: Autism Spectrum Disorders, Behavior/Learning Disabilities, Deaf Education (Deaf/Hard of Hearing), Early Childhood Special Education, Intellectual Disabilities

Autism Spectrum Disorders Concentration (27)
Required (21):

  • EPY 8020 Principles of Applied Behavior Analysis
  • EPY 8850 Intro to Single-Case Methodology
  • EXC 7310 Strategies for Challenging Behaviors (3)
  • EXC 7320 Methods of Teaching Students with Low-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders (3)
  • EXC 7325 Methods of Teaching High-Functioning Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (3)
  • EXC 7941 Current Issues in Special Education (3)
  • EXC 7980 Research in Special Education: Master’s Capstone (3)

Elective: choose two courses (6):

  • EXC 7170 Methods for Teaching Functional Life Skills to Students with Behavior and Learning Disabilities (3)
  • EXC 7190 Alternative Approaches to Literacy Instruction for Students with Disabilities (3)
  • EXC 7980 Research in Special Education: Master’s Capstone (3): For students who choose to complete the master’s research thesis or action research project, an additional 3 hours of EXC 7980 Research in Special Education: Master’s Capstone (3) must be taken as one of the required electives so that students can complete their capstone scholarly activity.
  • Other courses with the approval of the program advisor.

Students who have completed any of the above coursework may choose additional courses of intellectual and professional interest with advisor approval.

Behavior/Learning Disabilities Concentration (27)
Required (21):

  • EXC 7130 Assessment for Instructional Planning (3)
  • EXC 7150 Methods for Teaching Academics to Students with Behavior and Learning Disabilities (3)
  • EXC 7160 Strategies for Social and Emotional Behavior in Students with Behavior and Learning Disabilities (3)
  • EXC 7170 Methods for Teaching Functional Life Skills to Students with Behavior and Learning Disabilities (3)
  • EXC 7460 Mathematical Instruction in Special Education I (3)
  • EXC 7941 Current Issues in Special Education (3)
  • EXC 7980 Research in Special Education: Master’s Capstone (3)

Elective (6):

  • The student will select 6 semester hours of program-related graduate-level coursework with consent of their advisor. The purpose of the elective hours is to enable students to create a program of study to fit their individual interests as it relates to students with behavior/learning disabilities. Students will be provided with suggested areas of additional study and appropriate coursework (e.g., Language and Literacy; Mathematics; Science/STEM; Urban Education; Challenging Behaviors; Bilingual/English as a Second Language; Research Methods; Learning & Development; Learning & Technology).
  • EXC 7980 Research in Special Education: Master’s Capstone (3): For students who choose to complete the master’s research thesis or action research project, an additional 3 hours of EXC 7980 Research in Special Education: Master’s Capstone (3) must be taken as one of the required electives so that students can complete their capstone scholarly activity.

Students who have completed any of the coursework may choose additional courses of intellectual and professional interest with advisor approval.

Deaf Education Concentration (30)
Required (30):

  • EXC 7030 Applied Behavior Analysis (3)
  • EXC 7190 Alternative Approaches to Literacy Instruction for Students with Disabilities (3)
  • EXC 7325 Methods of Teaching High-Functioning Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (3)
  • EXC 7350 Psychosocial Characteristics of Deafness (3)
  • EXC 7360 Language Development in Students Who are Deaf/Hard of Hearing (3)
  • EXC 7390 Reading and Writing Instruction for Deaf/Hard of Hearing (3)
  • EXC 7410 Educational Assessment of Atypical Deaf Students (3)
  • EXC 7420 Methods for Teaching Atypical Students Who are Deaf/Hard of Hearing (3)
  • EXC 7941 Current Issues in Special Education (3)
  • EXC 7980 Research in Special Education: Master’s Capstone (3)

Students who have completed coursework above choose from the following:

  • EDRD 7600 Theory and Pedagogy in the Study of Literacy (3)
  • EDRD 7650 Individual Literacy Assessment and Instruction (3)
  • CSD and Linguistics courses with advisor approval
  • EXC 7980 Research in Special Education: Master’s Capstone (3): For students who choose to complete the master’s research thesis or action research project, an additional 3 hours of EXC 7980 Research in Special Education: Master’s Capstone (3) must be taken so that students can complete their capstone scholarly activity.
  • Other courses with the approval of the program advisor.

Students who have completed any of the coursework may choose additional courses of intellectual and professional interest with advisor approval.

Early Childhood Special Education Concentration (27)
Required (27):

  • EXC 7000 Collaboration with Parents and Professionals (3)
  • EXC 7010 Language Development and Language Disabilities (3)
  • EXC 7300 Assistive Technology: Reading and Academics (3)
  • EXC 7320 Methods of Teaching Students with Low-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders (3)
  • EXC 7650 Characteristics of Young Children with Disabilities (3)
  • EXC 7660 Methods of Teaching Young Children with Disabilities (3)
  • EXC 7941 Current Issues in Special Education (3)
  • EXC 7980 Research in Special Education: Master’s Capstone (3)

Elective: choose one course (3):

  • EDRD 6600 Introduction to Materials and Methods in Reading Instruction (3)
  • EDRD 7600 Theory and Pedagogy in the Study of Literacy (3)
  • EXC 7280 Methods of Teaching Students with Intellectual Disability or Autism Spectrum Disorders (3)
  • EXC 7980 Research in Special Education: Master’s Capstone (3): For students who choose to complete the master’s research thesis or action research project, an additional 3 hours of EXC 7980 Research in Special Education: Master’s Capstone (3) must be taken as one of the required electives so that students can complete their capstone scholarly activity.
  • Other courses with the approval of the program advisor.

Students who have completed any of the above coursework may choose additional courses of intellectual and professional interest with advisor approval.

Intellectual Disabilities Concentration (27)
Required (21):

  • EXC 7030 Applied Behavior Analysis (3)
  • EXC 7280 Methods for Teaching Students with Intellectual Disability and Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (3)
  • EXC 7281 Assessment and Curriculum Planning: Adapted Curriculum (3)
  • EXC 7310 Strategies for Challenging Behaviors (3)
  • EXC 7320 Methods for Teaching Students with Low-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders (3)
  • EXC 7941 Current Issues in Special Education
  • EXC 7980 Research in Special Education: Master’s Capstone (3)

Elective: choose two courses (6):

  • EXC 7290 Methods for Teaching Students with Physical and Multiple Disabilities: Reading and Academics (3)
  • EXC 7330 Physical and Health Management of Students with Disabilities (3)
  • EXC 7980 Research in Special Education: Master’s Capstone (3): For students who choose to complete the master’s research thesis or action research project, an additional 3 hours of EXC 7980 Research in Special Education: Master’s Capstone (3) must be taken as one of the required electives so that students can complete their capstone scholarly activity.
  • Other courses with the approval of the program advisor.

Students who have completed any of the above coursework may choose additional courses of intellectual and professional interest with advisor approval.

Program total: minimum of 36 semester hours (Deaf Education concentration is a minimum of 39 hours)

For details, see the course catalog.

Funding Your Graduate Education

Cost of attendance and funding opportunities are integral to your decision to attend graduate school. Georgia State offers a variety of funding opportunities, from assistantships to fellowships.

Awards and Assistantships

Various awards, assistantships and fellowships are available to new and current graduate students. We encourage you to contact your department, college, school or institute of interest to get more information about the assistantships and fellowships they offer students.

The Scholarship Resource Center offers guidance and support to students seeking financial assistance through scholarship opportunities, including this scholarship library.


The Office of Graduate Programs’ Fellowship Advisor works with students interested in applying for nationally prestigious and competitive fellowships. The Office of Graduate Programs also coordinates the application process for students applying to the Second Century Initiative, the Provost’s Dissertation Fellowship and the Dissertation Library Travel Awards.

Cost Calculator

Our calculator can help you get an idea of the costs associated with attending the university.



Our students who complete the M.Ed. program are well prepared to enroll in doctoral programs.

This program will help you become a teacher leader, an instructional coach, a content area specialist and program support specialist. Our alumni are working in the metro-Atlanta school districts, at the Atlanta Speech School and in leadership roles in the field of special education in a variety of public and private institutions and settings.


Program Contact
Sandy Vaughn
[email protected]

Learning Sciences
[email protected]

Mailing Address & Office Location
Learning Sciences
College of Education & Human Development
Suite 750
30 Pryor St. SW
Atlanta, GA 30303

College of Education and Human Development Logo30 Pryor Street SW
Atlanta, GA 30303

The information shared provides an overview of Georgia State’s offerings. For details on admissions requirements, tuition, courses and more, refer to the university catalogs.